2005 Saskatoon Box Lacrosse Tyke/Novice Festival

This memo is meant to provide information to all the teams attending the Saskatoon Box Lacrosse Association’s Novice Provincial Festival in Saskatoon from June 24-26, 2005.

Novice Entry Fee:    $300

Tyke Entry Fee:    $200

Please contact Randy Trobak at (306) 384-3466 for more information.

  1. All teams must be ready to play at specified game time. Late teams will default the game.
  2. No abuse toward the officials will be tolerated at the tournament or disciplinary action will be taken.
  3. All games will consist of 15 minute straight time periods. The clock will only be stopped at the referee’s discretion if an injury delay is deemed excessive.
  4. There will be no overtime.
  5. Each team is guaranteed 5 games.
  6. Each team must have at least one parent to work in cooperation with other team in providing minor official’s for each game.

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