Parkland Amateur Radio Club

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Parkland Amateur Radio Club
Local IRLP Node Status:

Local Nets:
Join our Local Net: Reflector 9307 / EchoLink: VE5HAW Node # 496527
***Nets Are Heard on PARC Repeater System***
PARC Repeater /IRLP System
Location Call Sign Frequency Tone Link Info
Arcola VA5MIR 146.820 - MHz   IRLP / EchoLink / Reflector 9300
Canora VA5EMO 147.300 + MHz   IRLP / EchoLink / UHF / Reflector 9300
Fort Qu 'Appelle VE5RJK 146.430 Simplex   IRLP / EchoLink / Reflector 9300
Hendon VE5EML 146.610 - MHz   IRLP / EchoLink / Reflector 9300
Norquay VA5INV 147.080 + MHz   IRLP / EchoLink / UHF / Reflector 9300
Rocanville VA5RSR 145.310 - MHz 100.0 IRLP / EchoLink / Reflector 9300
Yorkton VA5PAR 145.490 - MHz IRLP / EchoLink /UHF / Reflector 9300
Daily HF Nets
Day Local Time UTC Time Name of Net Frequency
Daily 7:00 AM / 8:00 AM 1300 / 1400 Saskatchewan WX 3.753/6 MHz (LSB)
Daily 7:30 AM / 8:30 AM 1330 / 1430 Manitoba WX 3.743/5 MHz (LSB)
Daily 10:00 AM-7:00 PM 1600 - 0100 Maritimes Mobile Service 14.300 MHz (USB)
Daily 5:00 PM 2300 Afternoon Aurora 7.100 MHz (LSB)
Daily 7:00 PM 0100 Saskatchewan Public Service 3.735 MHz (LSB)
Daily 7:30 PM 0130 Alberta Public Service 3.700 MHz (LSB)
Daily 7:30 PM 0130 BC Public Service 3.729 MHz (LSB)
Weekday HF Nets
Day Local Time UTC Time Name of Net Frequency
Sunday 8:30 AM 1430 Saskatchewan ARES 3.753 MHz (LSB)
Sun / Stats 12:00 PM 1800 Trans Canada 14.140 MHz (USB)
Sunday 6:00 PM / 7:00 PM 0000 / 0100 Manitoba Public Service 3.747 MHz (LSB)
Sunday 8:30 PM / 9:30 PM 0230 / 0330 Evening Aurora 7.100 MHz (LSB)
Sun - Thurs 10:00 PM / 11:00 PM 0400 / 0500 The Pow Wow Club 3.750 MHz (LSB)
Mon - Fri 7:00 AM 1300 Trans Provincial 7.100 MHz (LSB)
Mon/Wed/Fri 10:30 AM 1630 International Saturn 14.325 MHz (USB)
Saturday 10:30 1630 International Saturn 14:320 MHz (USB)
VHF / IRLP / EchoLink Nets
Day Local Time UTC Time Name of Net IRLP Ref / EchoLink
Sunday 8:00 PM 0200 PARC Chit Chat 9300 / 496527
Mon - Fri 9:00 PM 0300 Land Of The Living Skies 9300 / 496527
Wednesday 9:00 AM /10:00 AM 1500 / 1600 Trans Canada 9013 / 496527
Friday 7:00 PM 0100 The Friday Night International 9611 / 496527

Digital Nets
Day Local Time UTC Time Name of Net Digital Link
Friday 7:00 PM 0100 Canadian D-Star  XRF103B / XRF021B
Wednesday 7:00 PM / 8:00 PM 0100 / 0200 The Canada Fusion / C4FM Wires-X Room 40678

Prefix list

Canadian prefixes by province or territory
prefix province or territory abbreviation ITU zone CQ zone
VE1, VA1 Nova Scotia NS 9 5
VE2, VA2 Quebec QC 4 or 9 2 or 5
VE3, VA3 Ontario ON 3 or 4 2, 4 or 5
VE4, VA4 Manitoba MB 3 4
VE5, VA5 Saskatchewan SK 3 4
VE6, VA6 Alberta AB 2 4
VE7, VA7 British Columbia BC 2 3
VE8 Northwest Territories NT 2 or 3 1
VE9 New Brunswick NB 9 5
VE0 International Waters
VO1 Newfoundland NL 9 5
VO2 Labrador NL 9 2
VY1 Yukon YT 2 1
VY2 Prince Edward Island PE 9 5
VY9 Government of Canada
VY0 Nunavut NU 3 or 4 2
CY0 Sable Island 9 5
CY9 Saint Paul Island 9 5

Beacon Transmission Schedule  
Popular Places to Meet ON AIR
List of Canadian HF Nets

Satellite Frequencies: ON AIR

Uplink (TX): 435.250 MHz (67 Hz)
Downlink (RX): 145.960 MHz
Uplink (TX): 435.350 MHz (67 Hz)
Downlink (RX): 145.880 MHz
Uplink (TX): 145.990 MHz (67 Hz)
Downlink (RX): 437.800 MHz


World-Wide Net List

HF Net List - - Amateur HAM Radio Net Listings

Time Zones :   This tool can help you with the time zone math.
Amateur Radio HF Phone Nets Freq. Time

Discussions about these NET   -  *** Calendar and Reminders ***
*** Calendar and Reminders *** - Amateur HAM Radio Net Listings

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