Polio Regina


Polio Regina is a support group which was formed to increase awareness, and to disseminate information concerning research and treatment pertaining to post-polio syndrome. We invite people who have had polio and are now experiencing new symptoms such as fatigue, muscle weakness and cold intolerance, to join our group to learn how you can cope with post-polio syndrome. Spouses and partners of polio survivors are also welcome.

We meet six times a year in Regina to each share our experiences, and often have speakers on health-related topics. We also enjoy a meal at our spring picnic and Christmas meetings.  More information on meeting dates and location is on our website or you can email or phone us.

Check out our website for more information on Polio Regina, links to other related information and to see our Polio Postbox newsletter at: http://nonprofits.accesscomm.ca/polio/ or Google “Polio Regina”. Email: ivan.jorgensen@sasktel.net or phone: 306 757-8051.