Regina Association of Middle Eastern Dance – Bursary Policy

(Revised February 10, 2007)



A.     Purpose


A bursary is available to Regina Association of Middle Eastern Dance (RAMED) members to assist with the cost of attending workshops.  This is intended to assist RAMED members with improving their dance and teaching skills. 


B.  Conditions

·        The workshop must relate to belly dancing.  Preference will be given to Oriental dance, Egyptian dance, tribal dance, Middle Eastern folk dances, and African folk dances, as well as to the teaching and performance of belly dance (such as teacher training, developing choreography, and body alignment or injury prevention for dancers). 

·        The board will consider applications on a case-by-case basis, depending on factors such as the extent to which the workshop would support belly dance and RAMED’s mandate, and the amount of budget RAMED has available for bursaries.


C.  Restrictions


·        The maximum amount that will be provided to each applicant is $150 for a workshop that is held in Regina and $300 for a workshop that is held outside of Regina.

·        The maximum amount that will be provided to any member or enhanced member is $300 per RAMED year.  

·        Current RAMED board members are not eligible for bursaries under this policy.

·        A maximum of two bursaries per workshop will be awarded.

·        The RAMED board reserves the right to refuse to provide a bursary for any reason. 


D.    Application Process


To qualify for a bursary, you must:

·        Have a valid RAMED membership;

·        Submit a written proposal to the RAMED board; and

·        Be willing to share the results of the workshop with RAMED members.


The written proposal must include:

·        Your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address if applicable;

·        The amount of funding you are requesting;

·        A budget listing how much it would cost to attend the workshop, including workshop fees, accommodations, meals and travel expenses;

·        How the workshop would be valuable, or what knowledge or experience you would gain;

·        How you intend to share the results of the workshop with the RAMED members (for example, offering to teach a class, make a presentation, or other ways); and

·        Detailed information about the workshop, including the name of the instructor, the date and location, and what will be taught.  A photocopied brochure or printout from a website is acceptable if it provides this information.


After receiving the proposal, the RAMED board will discuss it during a board meeting and vote on whether to provide the bursary.  A record of the vote and the results must be recorded in the minutes of the board meeting.

·        If the board refuses to provide a bursary, the member who requests it will be notified about the reason why the bursary was refused.  

·        If the board approves a bursary, the RAMED member will normally receive the funds after they have attended the workshop.  RAMED must receive original receipts for reimbursement up to the amount approved.  The board will keep copies of the receipts with their financial records.


Sample Bursary Application



May 24, 2006


Jane Smith

111 Phoenix Drive

Regina, SK  S4T 3Z0


Phone: (306) 000-000



I am writing to apply for the RAMED bursary to attend the Greatest Dancer of the Universe Workshop in Vancouver, B.C., from August 1-3, 2002.  A copy of the workshop brochure is attached.


The workshop will cost about $950.  This includes:

Workshop fees             $200

Airfare                                        300

Hotel                                          300

Meals                                         150

Total                                          $950


This workshop will focus on teaching zills, which will be valuable to me because I am trying to learn to dance with zills.  It will also teach Khaleegy by ZZZ, who is a well known Canadian dancer who studied this style in Saudi Arabia.  After the workshop I will demonstrate some zill techniques in my zill class and give a 10 minute demonstration and talk at the next hafla. 

