amended June 13, 2004



1.       At the annual meeting, the Group Committee will vote on registration fees for the next year.


2.       a)    At the Annual Meeting each year, the Group Committee will meet to pass a motion regarding how much to fund each section’s program upon receiving their proposed budget.  If financially possible, the Group Committee will provide funding for programs annually of:


        Beavers                 $8.00 x 4 = $32.00 (funds for crafts, badges, outings, parties, etc.)


        Cubs                       $8.00 x 3 = $24.00 (funds for crafts, outings, parties, etc.)


        Scouts                    $8.00 x 3 = $24.00 (funds for crafts, outings, parties, etc.)


b)    At the annual meeting, the Group Committee will meet to pass a motion regarding         how much to fund each section’s camps for the following year.  If financially possible, the Group Committee will provide funding for the minimum camps annually of:


        Beavers                 Three (3) camps 3 x $15.00 = $45.00

                                        Beaver Days paid by Group Committee


        Cubs                       Four (4) camps    4 x $15.00 = $60.00


        Scouts                    Five (5) camps                     5 x $15.00 = $75.00

                                        Klondike and Explorers Hike paid for by Group Committee


Venturers              Two (2) camps                     2 x $15.00 = $30.00


Rovers                   Two (2) camps                     2 x $15.00 = $30.00


All Section Camp $15.00 per member attending.  The number of camps listed above for each section includes the All Section Camp.


c)       The camp funding shall be determined for up to a maximum of the number of youth attending camp, the appropriate number of adults as required by B. P. & P. and two others.  If more people are required to run a camp, it will be looked at individually and must be passed by Group Committee for funding.


3.       a)    All monies raised shall be distributed to the following accounts:

General Operating 70%

Special Camps and Jamboree Account 30%

b)       Parent shall deposit with the group cheque(s) at the time of registration with the amount to be determined by Group Committee.  These cheques will be cashed and funds will be held in trust and reimbursed if and when fundraising commitment(s) have been fulfilled.

c)       Parent or guardians with more than one child enrolled in the 87th program sections shall be credited with funding of one camp for all children per fundraiser.

4.       All 87th Regina Accounts for the Group Committee and programs sections shall be maintained at the same financial institution.


5.       Quarterly if at all possible, the 87th Regina shall publish newsletters to be distributed to all member of the group.


6.       The 87th encourages all Scouters-in-Training, Leaders and Group Committee officers to take training.


7.       If financially possible the 87th Regina may pay for the following training:

Wood Badge I

Wood Badge 2

Project Wild

First Aid Training

Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training

Camping and Canoeing

Others as approved by Group Committee


8.       If any youth, parent of a youth or leader wishes a youth to move into the next section or stay behind another year, and the youth falls outside of the section’s age qualifications, as defined in Scouts Canada By-Laws, Policies and Procedures (B. P. & P.), they must receive group permission in the following manner:

a)       Application in writing must be made to Group Committee, at least 30 days prior to the proposed move up or move down.

b)       A committee will be formed consisting of the following:

                                             i.       Chairperson or someone designated by the chair

                                            ii.       One leader from each section – Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers and Rovers (if present) which will preferably but not necessarily be the section head.  If the application is being made by a leader, the leader cannot be a member of the committee.

c)       The adult(s) representing the youth will explain the circumstances around why they feel the youth is ready to move up early or stay back another year.

d)       A majority vote from the committee is required before approval is granted.  In the event of a tie, the Chairperson, or designate, will cast the deciding vote.


9.       Standing Policies may be amended only at a Special Meeting, which is to be set up, by the Chairperson.


The above policies were passed by the 87th Regina Group on this 13th day of June, 2004.






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