The Downtown Community Church is thrilled to be offering both ministry and ministry opportunities to persons of all ages.  Our Ministry is a ministry to the "Whole Family."  Children, Parents, Grand-Parents and friends....all are welcomed in joining us in demonstrating God's Love to our neighbours.

Ministry for Children:

Bible School, music opportunities, Bible studies, Youth Group  and a whole variety of fun, games, fellowship greets you as you join our family, both on Sunday and throughout the week day.  Opportunity for child development and the deepening of great standards for life are awaiting your child!

Ministry for Teens and College and Careers:

Confidence, belonging, making a difference in their everyday world can be the experience of all students, be they in graduate or post-graduate school!  The study of the Bible, evening outtings, fellowships, music and a variety of camps and conferences, make involvement in our church family enjoyable for young men and women.  They are limited only by their desires and imaginations, as God inspires!!

Ministry for Adults:

Men and Women can be involved in a variety of fellowship.......   The variety of  Bible Study offered at the Church can deepen the life and spiritual developement of any child of God, as they come only to seem to Know Him and to make Him Better Known!  Specialized Men's and Women's Ministries allow individuals to discover the joy of serving and bringing a quality of life, through faith in the Lord Jesus, to the fellow brother and sister .

Ministry for Seniors:

Active Seniors develop montly fellowships, outtings, bible studies, sing alongs, minister is Seniors Homes and bring a great quality of life to themselves and to their neighbour as the reach out with the Love of God.  Their activity and vitality can bring a smile to the heart and face of any and all interested persons.

MINISTRY is not a separate group activity it's Family!  It's caring, sharing, loving in the manner that Jesus himself taught us!  The Family of Believers minister to each other, regardless of age, in a manner that bring love, unity to our Christian Family Community and  Home - Our Church!!

We would love to see you there!  Our Family waits to welcome you in Ministry!!

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