Club Resources • クラブ資料

The RJCC maintains a small collection of resources for those interested in Japanese Canadian History. To borrow any of these resources, please contact us at

Title 題名 - Author 作者
A History of The Japanese Congregations of the United Church of Canada (1892-1959) (Japanese Language)
A Man of Our Time - Knight & Koizumi
A Pale View of Hills - Kazuo Ishiguro
Baachan! Geechan! Arigato - A story of Japanese Canadians
Children of Redress (DVD) - Greg Masuda
Dictionary of Japan (Japanese Language)
Economic Losses of Japanese Canadians After 1941 - NAJC
Farewell to Manzanar - Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston & James Houston
Ganbari, reclaiming our home
Hands Across the Pacific
History of Japanese Canadians in Regina
Horizon is Calling - Taro Yashima
Interned Japanese Canadians & The Canadian Church during WWII (Japanese Language) - Mamoru Kawano
Internment Panels - NAJC
Issei - Gordon G. Nakayama
Itsuka - Joy Kogawa
Justice in Our Time - Roy Miki & Cassandra Kobayashi
Light at a Window - Terry Watada
Memories of Our Past - Audrey Kobayashi
Memories of Missionary Trips in Canada (Japanese Language) - Iwai
Monogatari – Talks of Powell Street
My Sixty Years in Canada - Dr. M. Miyazaki
Nikko Toshogu Shrine - Toshogu Shrine Staff (Japanese Language)
Obasan - Joy Kogawa
One Big Hapa Family (DVD) - Jeff Chiba Stearns
RJCC Early History, Stories I Heard in the Wheat Field, and Japanese-Canadian Stories from Japan (Binder) - Kato, Izumi, Nakayama & Maeda
Strength for the Bridge - Beattie
Taiken: Japanese Canadians Since 1877 - Nikkei National Museum
The Best Years - NAJC
The Canadian Japanese & World War II - Laviolette
The Enemy that Never Was - Adachi
The Politics of Racism: The Uprooting of Japanese Canadians During the Second World War - Ann Sunahara
The Japanese Canadian - Roy Ito
The Japanese Canadians - Young & Reid
The Japanese Canadian Redress Legacy - Arthur K. Miki
We Went to War - Roy Ito
Years of Sorrow, Years of Shame - Broadfoot

講義録 (Japanese Language)
高等小学校読本 (High School Textbook) - 文部省
俳句のつくり方 (How to make Haiku, Japanese Language) - 水原秋櫻子
ももたろう (Momotaro/Peach Boy, Japanese Language) - 松居 直
うつくしいおくりもの (Utsukushi Okurimono /Beautiful Gifts, Japanese Language) -オー ヘンリー
(Isunn bo-shi/Little Fingerling, Japanese Language) -いしい ももこ
なぜ なに きょうりゅうと怪獣  
(Dinosaurs and Monsters, Japanese Language) -監修: 尾崎 博

Additionally, the Saskatchewan Information and Library Services Consortium maintains a large collection of resources about Japan as well as Japanese language resources.

Library patrons may request these items online or from their local library branch.  To view the collection, please click the link below.
それに加えて、Saskatchewan Information and Library Services Consortiumは日本、日本語の資料をたくさん保管しています


SILS - Japanese Resource Catalogue

PressDisplay provides online access to the Mainichi Shimbun Japanese language. Copies of Business Traveler (Asia Pacific), International New York Times, International New York Times Asia, and The Wall Street Journal Asia are also available in English.

The system only allows a limited number of concurrent users on at one time, so please log off when you are finished. Click the link below & enter your library card number to access the newspapers.



Because of the difficulty and expense of acquiring Japanese language resources - we encourage your donation of gently used Japanese books to to the library when you are done with them so that others across the province may enjoy them.

You can bring your book donations to any public library in the province and ask that they be forwarded to the Provincial Library and Literary Office (PLLO).

Provincial Library and Literary Office)に送っていくださいと頼んでください。州の図書館が保管します。