Brushworks Art Guild of Regina Inc.

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Shelley Page

Painting primarily in water media, Shelley attempts to adhere to the “Less is more” philosophy. Expressing her subject loosely and quickly is always a goal. Although her work is representational, she strives for spontaneity and impressionistic brushwork, allowing the paint to “Do its own thing”.

I never like to be too controlled because I enjoy the surprises along the way. Watercolour is complex. It is always a challenge resolving these surprises in ways that add interest and intrigue to the finished work.”

Favourite subjects include prairie landscapes, figures in their natural environment, atmospheric conditions, family and travel memories, and experimental work. More recently she has been painting with acrylic on a larger scale.

“I try to avoid painting cliches and am always looking for unique subject matter or at least an original way to portray it.”

Shelley is a past member of Visions Art Guild (Estevan) and has been a member of Aurora Artists Guild since 2006 and Brushworks Art Guild since 2009. She has taught beginners’ watercolour classes and is available to do commissioned work.

“I think a lot about composition, value, and colour (I usually begin with a small study of each)...I think about what it is I am trying to portray and which techniques would best impart this meaning...then I just do it!”
