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Cash Calendar Team Fundraiser - click here for 2004 Winners

The Saskatchewan Lacrosse Association once again has the Cash Calendar fundraiser available for use by teams/associations and provincial team players/teams.

The Cash Calendars are an uncomplicated and profitable manner way to raise money for your team and/or association. This fundraising opportunity also has the potential to raise funds for the development of lacrosse throughout the province as any profit helps operate the Saskatchewan Lacrosse Association, whereas, other fundraisers help support a profitable company.

The Calendars are to be sold at $20 per cash calendar entry.

$10 – Remains with your team/club.

$10 – Goes into the Cash Lottery – throughout October and November, draws are every day.

The cash calendar prizes are as follows:

  1. Each day there will be a cash prize of $40
  2. Every Friday there will be a $80 cash prize that replaces the $40 cash prize
  3. Tuesday, November 30, there will be a $500 cash prize to replace the $40 cash prize.

52 days with $40 = $ 2080

8 days with $80   = $ 640

1 day with $500  = $ 500

Total = $3,220

Please contact the SLA office for your cash calendars and help support lacrosse in Saskatchewan while raising extra funds to help your club operate in this season and years beyond!
For more information, please contact the SLA office at (306) 780-9216 or email:

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