Parkland Amateur Radio Club

Recommended Repeater Operating Procedures



Location: Frequency: Tone RX: Tone TX: IRLP: EchoLink: Equip: Rpt_BK: Coverage: CallSign:
Canora 147.300+ N/A N/A 1710/1587 488429/496527  Equip: Info: Coverage: VA5EMO
Hendon 147.120+ N/A N/A 1858/1587 488429/496527  Equip: Info: Coverage: VE5EML
Roblin 147.000+ N/A N/A 1333   Equip: Info: Coverage: VE5HAW
Rocanville 145.310- 100.0 N/A 1807 425463 Equip: Info: Coverage: VA5RSR
Yorkton 145.490- N/A N/A 1710/1587 488429/496527  Equip: Info: Coverage: VA5PAR

Download Repeater Coverage Map

IRLP / EchoLink Nodes:

Location: Frequency: Tone RX: Tone TX: IRLP: EchoLink: Equip.: Rpt_BK: Coverage: CallSign:
Arcola 146.820- N/A N/A 1808 261082 Equip: N/A: N/A: VA5MIR
Fort Qu'Appelle 146.430 CSQ CSQ 1621 N/A Equip: N/A: N/A: VE5RJK
Hudson Bay 146.520 N/A N/A 1800 488217 Equip: N/A: N/A: VA5TM
Humboldt 146.520 N/A N/A 1884 261336 Equip N/A: N/A: VE5CES
Tisdale 146.700- N/A N/A 1376   Equip: Info: N/A: VE5FXR
Yorkton 145.690- N/A N/A 1622   Equip: N/A: N/A: VE5LWF

Basic IRLP Operating Guidelines


Saskatchewan Reflector 9300:

The Saskatchewan Reflector is Located at Canora
and Hosted and Maintained by: PARC

Equipment: Pi Embedded Node

Saskatchewan 2M Linked Net. The net meets every weeknight (Mon - Fri) at 9:00PM local time (0300 UTC) on the various IRLP linked repeaters throughout the province. Stations from anywhere are always welcome to check in

We Use Both IRLP & UHF/VHF Radio's To Link To The Following Repeaters:

Arcola, Canora, Norquay, Rocanville, & Yorkton

UHF Link Repeater System is a CLOSED System
And Not To Be Transmitted On.


PARC Chit Chat Net
We Meet On The Air Regularly Every Sunday At 8:00 PM Local Time (0200 UTC) On Saskatchewan Reflector: 9307
Stations From Anywhere are Always Welcome to Check In


Reflector 9307 is Used to Connect IRLP Nodes & To Link to the Rocanville Repeater

  • To Connect to any IRLP Node- Key ONLY the "Node #" you are calling

  • To Connect to any EchoLink Node- Key "# + Node #" you are calling

  • To Disconnect from either- Key "73"

A few nodes and reflectors of note:
  • 3270 - Sinbad System.  This node is often tied into this system in South/Eastern Utah.
  • 3574 - Rainbow Canyons ARC, Cedar City, UT.  This node can be tied into the Intermountain Intertie.
  • 3925 - Associated with the Bridgerland Amateur Radio Club in Logan.
  • 5620 - This is the WA7GIE system on UHF:  It is almost always connected to the Western Reflector.
  • 9070 - The Alaskan Reflector.  Various Alaskan nodes are connected here:  Often connected to the Western Reflector.
  • 9250 - The Western Reflector.  Based out of Las Vegas, many western U.S. and Canadian nodes are connected to this system as well as other across the globe.
  • 9350 - Los Angeles hub reflector.  California/Los Angeles nodes often connect here.
A "Node" is an IRLP-equipped station:  Two nodes may connect to each other, but no-one else can connect to either one.  A "Reflector" is like a party line:  Several nodes can connect to a reflector and talk with each other.

We Use The Following IRLP Nodes:

Satellite Frequencies: ON AIR

Uplink (TX): 435.250 MHz (67 Hz)
Downlink (RX): 145.960 MHz
Uplink (TX): 435.350 MHz (67 Hz)
Downlink (RX): 145.880 MHz
Uplink (TX): 145.990 MHz (67 Hz)
Downlink (RX): 437.800 MHz


Yorkton Repeater Setup
Click Here To View SlideShow --

Relocated on Wednesday Nov. 15th, 2006
Sinclair SRL210C4HD 4 Bay 1/2~
    Larry Davis (VE5 LBD)
    Peter Legebokoff (VE5 PFL)

Not Shown In Pic.

Frank Yaholnitsky

Randy Molyneaux (VE5RJM)

Charles Molyneux

Blair Cmoc