nêhiýawêwin âsônamâtowin saskâciwanihk /

Saskatchewan Cree Language Retention


ê-mâmawahpisoyâhk ta-sihkiskamâhk nêhiýawêwin

mitoni kayâsîs ohci kâ-pê-pimahkamikisiyâhk ôta ê-mâmawahpisoyâhk ta-sihkiskamâhk nêhiýawêwin. Saskatoon mâna nimâmawapinân misiwêskamik ohci ê-pê-ohtohtêyâhk. nanâtohk nitisi-atoskâtênân nêhiýawêwin ê-kakwê-sihkiskamâhk êkâ ta‑wanihtâyahk kipîkiskwêwininaw, nêhiýawêwin, aýisk ê‑tâpwêýihtamâhk anima kâ-itwêhk wanihtâyahko kinêhiýawêwininaw kika‑wanihtânaw kinêhiýawâtisiwininaw.

Cree Language Retention Committee


It has been some time since we formed as a working unit to encourage the use of the Cree language. We usually meet in Saskatoon, coming from all locales. We work in a multitude of jobs dealing with the Cree language so that we do not lose our language, Cree, for we believe that if we lose our Cree language then we will lose our Cree culture.


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First Nations Language Retention Committees formed

North and South Cree Language Retention Committees

Cree Language Retention Committee

nêhiyawêwin âsônamâtowin saskâciwanihk /
Saskatchewan Cree Language Retention Committee Inc.

Launch of our New Website: www.accesscomm.ca/nonprofits/creelanguage.inc


  1. To develop an awareness within the general community on the importance of the Cree language;
  2. To encourage various levels of government to ensure the preservation, promotion, and protection of the Cree language; and to help us to preserve the Cree language, culture and history;
  3. To work together, with the advice of the elders, to develop educational materials for the teaching of  the Cree language;
  4. To give voice to our Cree language, culture and history throughout the province.
  5. To help one another to write Cree materials so that a standard writing system is used.
  6. To support students in their efforts to learn and work on their Cree language.


  1. ta-wîhtamahk misiwêskamik iýikohk kâ-isi-kihcêýihtâkwahk nêhiýawêwin;
  2. ta-sihkimâyahkok onîkânapiwak nanâtohk okimâwiwin ohci ta-nâkatêýihtahkik êkwa ta-ahkamêýimototahkik nêhiýawêwin; êkwa ka‑wîcihikoyahkok, ta-paspîtamâsoyahk kinêhiýawâtisiwininaw;
  3. ta-aspêýimototawâyahkok kêhtê-ayak ta-wîcihikoyahkok ta-mâmawi-atoskâtamahk anihi kîkwaya ta-âpacihtâhk nêhiýawi‑kiskinwahamâkêwin;
  4. ta-pêhtâkohtâyahk misiwêskamik kinêhiýawâtisiwininaw;
  5. ta-kakwê-wîcihitoyahk ta-kwayaskastâyahk kahkiýaw nêhiýawasinahikêwina, mêmohci pêyakwan itasinahikêwin kita‑âpatahk.
  6. ta-sihkiskawâyahkok kiskinwahamawâkanak ta-kakwê-kiskinwahamâkosicik êkwa ka-nohtê-atoskâtahkik onêhiýawêwiniwâw.

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