âsônamâtowin saskâciwanihk /
Saskatchewan Cree Language Retention
kîspin nohtê-kiskêyihtamêko tânisi
ta-isi-wîcihtâsoyêk ahpô cî tânitê kita-kî-mâmawapîstawiyâhk sêwêpitamawihkok
aniki ayisiyiniwak owîhowiniwâwa ôta kâ-masinahikâtêyiki ahpô cî
masinahamawihkok. êkwa mîna sôniyâw nohtê-mêkiyêko êkos îsi nohtê-wîcihtâsoyêko,
kita-kî-pê-isitisahwâyêk ôta (ôki ta‑tipahamawihcik: n.â.s./s.c.l.r.
About Us
pê-sêwêpitamawihkok ôki / Phone:
Barbara McLeod, PAGC: (306) 953-7234
For more information on CLRC membership and meetings,
call one of the numbers listed above or write to the above address.
Donations to the non-profit, charitable organization,
nêhiýawêwin âsônamâtowin
saskâciwanhik /
Saskatchewan Cree Language Retention Inc.,
can also be sent to this address (with
cheques payable to n.â.s./s.c.l.r. inc.).
Tax receipts will be issued for donations of ten dollars or more.
Non-profit, charity #: 212971
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© 2002 Saskatchewan Cree Language
Retention Inc.