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Saskatchewan Cree Language Retention Inc.




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The Canadian Plains Research in Regina has published this bilingual Cree-English dictionary, which is the culmination of the efforts of many Cree Elders, scholars and language professionals. This two volume set includes over 15,000 entries in the Cree-English section (of volume 1) and an extensively cross-referenced and alphabetized English-Cree section (of volume 2) of over 35,000 entries.

We believe this publication will add to and improve on all previous Cree dictionaries due to several important features. The Cree entries of volume 1 are all presented in both the standard roman orthography (SRO) and in Cree Syllabics.  Additionally, Cree entries include indications of dialect differences so that this work can be used as a reference not only for Plains Cree, but also for Woods Cree and Swampy Cree as well.  An extensive discussion of the Cree sound and spelling systems is included along with a guide to the use of the dictionary complete with grammatical notes.  Cree-English entries are listed in inflected word form, while English-Cree entries list the grammatical stem of Cree words.  Used together, these two volumes will allow for easy reference for fluent speakers and language learners alike.  To order your copy of this two-volume set, please write to the following address:

Canadian Plains Research Center
University of Regina
Regina, SK

And cite the following information when you order:

nêhiýawêwin: itwêwina/Cree: Words.  Compiled by Arok Wolvengrey. 

Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 2001.  ISBN: 0889771278

We are sure that you will be happy with this latest contribution to Cree language scholarship. ahkami-nêhiýawêtân!

Or you can click here to order:


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