âsônamâtowin saskâciwanihk /
Saskatchewan Cree Language Retention
This is the page for our Cree language newsletter, ahkami-nêhiýawêtân, (“Let's Keep Speaking Cree”). Due to
constraints on the size of files, we are not currently able to provide a full
archive of all our past newsletters. However, we will provide some examples of
the type of material we have published, highlighting our Cree language.
About Us
Two categories you can choose from: You will note that these pages have to be
displayed in scanned format. This is due to the incompatibility of the fonts
(whether Cree Syllabics or even the fonts we use to display macrons on long
vowels). If we were to try to simply display the files as we had created them
for the newsletter, most if not all of the computers hooked to the web would
be unable to properly read some of the symbols, rendering the files
completely unintelligible. For this reason, most of the file-based
(non-scanned) material that you read on this website utilizes the circumflex
to mark long vowels (e.g. â, ê, î, ô). The use of the circumflex and the
macron (or overposed hyphen, as seen in our Logo and in many of the scanned
files) are both acceptable ways of marking long vowels in the standard roman
orthography (SRO) for written Cree. We will be adding pages that contain
songs and poems. Therefore, this site is still under
construction. |
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Any comments, questions or problems
with this site, please email the Webmaster.
© 2002 Saskatchewan Cree Language
Retention Inc.