Lori Romanski has lived the vast majority of her life in Saskatchewan. As a child in Saskatoon she developed an interest in art during her elementary school years and through university. This continued into adulthood when she married and moved to Regina. During the time her children were growing up, art faded into the background and reignited when she became a preschool teacher in 2006. Sharing a love of art and providing many opportunities to explore art with her preschool students was a priority in her preschool program.
Finally, in 2016, she began working on her own artwork. The last few years have been spent relearning and exploring different mediums and techniques through classes offered in Regina and on her own. Her preferred mediums are acrylic and pan pastel. She looks forward to learning other mediums in the future.
Landscapes that portray both places close to home and those visited in travels with her family are a favorite subject. Often times, these landscapes will be painted in both pastel and acrylic, each providing a unique take on the subject. Lori looks forward to spending more and more time painting in the years to come